Ky With Tarot Cards, Oil on Canvas, 30”x40” inches, 2023

Self Portrait Circa 2011, Oil on Canvas, 18”x24”inches, 2023

Hold with Venus, Oil on Canvas, 18”x24”inches, 2023

Leila, Oil on Canvas, 18”x24” inches, 2022

Winston and Her Boyfriend, Oil on Canvas, 40”x50” inches, 2022.

Bella Cutting Sy’s Hair, Oil on Canvas, 40”x50”inches, 2022

Jamie & T.J. at Rose and Thorn, Oil on Canvas, 42”x50” inches, 2022.

Harlowe & Xotchli, Oil on Canvas, 46”x50”inches, 2022.

Ray & Sathya, Oil on Canvas, 40”x50” inches, 2022

Rio & Emi, Oil on Canvas, 40”x30” inches, 2021

Ellis, Oil on Canvas, 58”x50”inches, 2021

Self Portrait with Self Portrait circa 2017, Oil on Canvas, 40”x48”inches, 2021.

Dina’s Recovery, Oil on Canvas, 40”46” inches, 2020.

Still Lives: A Trans Portrait Project

Still Lives: A Trans Portrait project is a series of portraits of the Transgender community of the San Francisco Bay area, where the artist grew up and currently resides. It was funded in part by the San Francisco Arts Commission Individual Artist Grant and a selection were exhibited at the Tenderloin Museum in San Francisco, just blocks away from Compton’s Cafeteria, the site of the first recorded LGBTQ uprising in the United States. Trans Women and street queens came together to fight back against police oppression years before Stonewall.